Want your culinary exploits published?

8:56 AM 2 Comments

Hello dear readers, yet again I'm here to apologize.
I really wanted to have a post up every Monday, but I've been so busy this summer. And things are about to get busier - I got a job! I haven't had a job since 2009, so it's a pretty big deal for me. Alas, it's nothing fancy, but it will be taking up a fair chunk of my time. I'm still planning on posting here, of course, but likely not as frequently, especially once school starts up again in September.

However, I want to tell you about a unique opportunity to get your own culinary history adventures published in CuiZine, Canada's journal of Canadian food cultures. Here's the official blurb:

Cooking the BooksWe are launching a new series at CuiZine pairing writers, bloggers, and/or academics with recipes: fried cucumbers? currant jelly? Langue de bœuf au gratin?
We'll provide a list of titles (from an extensive collection dating from 1840–1950). We want you to try a recipe or two: make them, eat them, and tell us about your experience, the context in which such food was written about and served, and any other detail you deem noteworthy.
We're hoping to stimulate academic/culinary interest in these wonderful (and in some cases long forgotten) Canadian cookbooks.
Send us a copy of your CV and a letter of interest to cuizine.info@mcgill.ca and let the testing, tasting, and writing begin.
Now, this is a Canadian journal, so I'm not sure if people from other countries can apply. If you're really keen on it, its worth asking, through the email listed above.

Anje graduated with a Honours Bachelors degree in History with a minor in Museum Studies. She currently lives and works in Japan's least populous prefecture as an assistant English teacher.


  1. To interested non-Canadians (like myself): You don't have to be Canadian to participate.
