Etsy Picks of the Week No.1

12:00 AM 3 Comments

I thought I might do something different here and showcase some fun and interesting finds from Etsy! I actually sometimes find myself on Etsy while doing research, because people post pictures of cookbooks, which can be quite helpful. And of course it's really fun to window shop, too!

So without further ado, here are six Etsy picks of the week.

(As a note, I'm not doing this for any kind of compensation or agreement - I just really love browsing Etsy!)

Recipes of All Nations by Countess Morphy (1935)
Via nancyplage
I love this cookbook because it's huge! I also love when old cookbooks include foreign recipes, because it can be otherwise difficult to branch out from your native language. This cookbook seems to be in pretty good shape, too.

The Little House Cookbook by Barbara M. Walker (1979)
Via Donellensvintage
When I was a little girl I LOVED Laura Ingalls. I read all the books, which my Mom had bought for me from a second-hand book store. I remember reading about the Molasses on Snow Candy and wanting to make it so badly. I even went to the library and found this book for the recipe. For some reason I never got up the courage to make it, though.

The Household Guide or Domestic Cyclopedia by Prof. B.G. Jefferis and J.L. Nichols (1905)
Via claudettesvintage
This book is the perfect example of the typical old cookbook, which wasn't so much a cookbook as a "Household Guide" which included information on everything from cooking to medical care to housekeeping. Love it! I especially like the full color illustration opposite the title page.

Carnation Cook Book by Mary Blake (1937)
Via ChellesKitchen
What caught my eye about this cookbook was the gorgeous cover! I love the design and the colors. This little cookbook includes a wide variety of recipes, including menus, which I personally enjoy reading. Menus enable us to see how people of the past put together recipes to make a meal, which can be quite different from how we consume dishes today. I would also love to see the section on international dishes.

The Old Virginia Cook Book (1800s/1981)
Via HazelCatkins
The typography in this cookbook is amazing! Even the advertisements are works of art. I'm not sure about the exact date of this cookbook, but apparently its a reprint of a book from the 1800s, done in 1981 by the Virginia Department of Tourism.

Dainty Desserts for Dainty People (1915)
Via MillCreekCollective
And last, but not least, a gelatin cookbook! I love how there is a cow with the two little cherub-like figures at the bottom. We don't really associate cows with gelatin these days. Lots of great color illustrations with this one. I'm curious about the recipe for birthday cake! I wonder how it uses gelatin.

Anje graduated with a Honours Bachelors degree in History with a minor in Museum Studies. She currently lives and works in Japan's least populous prefecture as an assistant English teacher.


  1. What a brilliant idea for a post - I just love old cookbooks and use them often for my British pudding recipes. I love the dainty desserts for dainty people - Thanks!!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm thinking about making this a regular feature.

  2. Love the invalid cookery in the Carnation book. What's that? lol
