A new name, a new look, and a new site

A new name, a new look, and a new site

11:12 PM  /  Anje  /  30 Comments

When I first started Kitchen Historic in 2011, I really had no idea what I was doing. I was beginning to really get into my history degree and I enjoyed cooking, so I figured why not combine those interests and start a blog. In the five years since then I have learned a lot about historical cookery. I've...

[HFF] Pineapple Caramel Upside-Down Cake (1935)

[HFF] Pineapple Caramel Upside-Down Cake (1935)

2:31 AM  /  Anje  /  13 Comments

[In case you're wondering, yes, I did skip challenge #5. I can't get roastable cuts of meat here and I couldn't find a suitable alternative. Sorry!] For this HFF challenge, I decided to go retro with a pineapple upside-down cake. Let's talk about pineapples. Dole advertisement, 1952 I'm going to focus on Hawaiian pineapples, since this recipe comes...

[HFF] Valentine Crunch (1961)

[HFF] Valentine Crunch (1961)

10:56 PM  /  Anje  /  12 Comments

It's time for Historical Food Fortnightly challenge number four! No surprise to anyone, I'm sure, this challenge's theme is based on Valentine's Day and it's sweet traditions. Now, HFF technically describes "historical" to mean anything up to 1960, so I'm fudging it a little here with this 1961 recipe. It comes from the Lakeland Ledger, a newspaper based in Florida. ...

[HFF] To bake Spritzgebackenes (1553)

[HFF] To bake Spritzgebackenes (1553)

6:10 AM  /  Anje  /  19 Comments

I recently came across and interesting historical foodie challenge called  Historical Food Fortnightly. I wanted to join immediately. I know I've been scarce around here for the past year and a half. My hope is that I can start posting here more often, and that having specific challenges to complete will help me with that. From now on, my...

Orange Butter Cookies (1967) ★★★★

Orange Butter Cookies (1967) ★★★★

2:43 AM  /  Anje  /  4 Comments

This recipe comes from a 1967 volume of Boys' Life, a magazine which has been printed by the Boy Scouts of America since 1911. It was printed in a column called Tim's Tips, which featured Christmas cookie recipes. Original Recipe: The Verdict: I was nervous about these cookies! I had to re-read several times to make sure I...