History's Hearth No.2

7:00 AM 26 Comments

I've wanted to continue this series for a while, but never got around it to. So here's a second part to History's Hearth!

via Shorpy
This photograph is titled "Jewel Mazique, worker at the Library of Congress, getting a late snack." Dated Winter 1942. I wish I looked that glamorous while cooking!

via Shorpy
I love the stove in this photograph. Check out the detail on that metalwork. Amazing craftsmanship. I was really intrigued by the calendar on the left wall as well. This one is titled "Mrs. Beuchert." and is dated 1917.

via Antique Home Style
Love the round style of this kitchen. Isn't that huge window great?! And I so wish I had that much counter space...This image was published in Better Homes and Gardens in 1937 as an ad for Sealex Linoleum.

via National Archives of Canada
Another amazing wood stove. I really can't get enough of those things. This is a photograph dated 1896. Really interesting placement of the stove, too.

via HouseBeautiful
And lastly, a kitchen from 1953. My favourite aspect is that brick wall with the oven! Aside from maybe the cabinets and the wood wall, I could definitely see this as a modern kitchen. The cooktops and blue fridge especially.


Anje graduated with a Honours Bachelors degree in History with a minor in Museum Studies. She currently lives and works in Japan's least populous prefecture as an assistant English teacher.


  1. Love this post - thought you might enjoy visiting this website - Bryant Stove is about 15 miles from where I live and it's where our wood stove was purchased: http://www.bryantstove.com/ Here's a blogpost of mine showing my stove which is toasting right now: http://patternpatisserie.blogspot.com/2013/01/peach-lavender-jam-roly-poly-queen-of.html

    1. Ooooh, I am so jealous! Bookmarking that website for the future, haha!
