Thursday, May 24, 2012

Apple Sauce (1803) ★★★★★

I think all apples are delicious, but the wise Google tells me that the best apples for making applesauce are Galas, Fujis, Yellow Delicious, McIntosh, Winesap, and Jonathon. Using a variety of apples will result in a more flavorful and wholesome sauce. This is really a "non-recipe" so use whatever amounts you like and adjust accordingly to suit your taste. I think that applesauce is one of the easiest things to make at home, and the flavour difference between homemade and store bought is huge.

No. 26. To make Apple Sauce.
Take as many boiling apples as you chuse, peel them, and take out all the cores; put them in a sauce-pan with a little water, a few cloves, and a blade of mace; simmer them till quite soft. Then strain off all the water,and beat them up with a little brown sugar and butter.

The Verdict:
Okay, so when you are using cloves and mace please add WAY LESS than what you think will be tasty. Because using cloves like cinnamon is not tasty. I know this, but for some reason I always use too much cloves. So my applesauce was a bit bitter and tasted too clove-y. The brown sugar and butter helped a bit, but I think this would have been REALLY delicious with less spices. Anyway, I am planning to use the sauce in an applesauce cake, so it won't go to waste. Seriously, though. Make your own applesauce. Just hold back on the cloves a bit.

Modernized Recipe: 
(Adapted from The Frugal Housewife, or, Complete woman cook)


1. Peel and core your apples.
2. In a pot, add the apples, cloves, and mace and boil with a little water (I used 4 apples and 3/4 cup water).
3. When the apples can be easily pierced with a fork, strain them and mash them with a potato masher (or puree, depending on your desired consistency). Add a little brown sugar and butter to taste.

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