Breakfast-in-a-Glass (1959) ★★★★

For a while now I've seen smoothie recipes floating around the internet that include oatmeal in the ingredients. As a self-proclaimed smoothie enthusiast, I found the idea nothing short of heresy. Although I can't deny the fact that oatmeal is a very nutritious food, I just couldn't allow myself add it to my smoothies, which only contained fruit, juice, and yogurt...up until now, I guess.
Since we're now right in the midst of "warm summer mornings," I decided to go for it and make this Breakfast-in-a-Glass recipe from 1959. Okay, okay, so to be fair my original plan was to make Little Y the tester, since she loves smoothies and would be oblivious to the oatmeal secretly lurking within. But I felt up to a challenge today, so I decided to just go for it and see what an oatmeal smoothie is really like for myself. Historical style, of course.

Original Recipe:

For each serving of Breakfast-in-a-Glass put 1 cup milk and 1/3 cup cool, cooked oatmeal in Mixer or other container.
Add 1/3 cup crushed strawberries (fresh or frozen) or other fruit; add sugar to taste and vanilla if desired.
Blend in Mixer or blender...or use electric or hand beater until smooth. Serve immediately.

The Verdict:

The first thing I did was make the oatmeal. I was annoyed by the extra step and too lazy to bother looking up how to properly make oatmeal, so I threw a handful in a bowl, added what looked like enough milk, and zapped it in the microwave for one minute. It came out cooked, so that was a pleasant surprise. I added the cooked oatmeal, milk, and some frozen strawberries to my blender, along with a bit of vanilla and about two teaspoons of sugar. I whizzed that until it looked smooth.
Taste-wise, this was actually not bad. I could definitely taste the oatmeal, but I didn't mind. However, texture-wise this really bothered me. The oatmeal didn't completely blend in, so it was basically strawberry milk with chunks. Not so yummy. That said, Little Y loved it and happily drank the entire glass. I think that if the oatmeal had been completely blended I would drink this again by choice, so I give this recipe four stars on that condition.

Modernized Recipe:

(Adapted from a Quaker Oats advertisement, found at

The original recipe is good!